What Do YOU Do Better Than Your Competitor?

What is it that makes your company different from the rest of the companies in your field? What DO you do better than the others? What differentiates you? Those are tough questions. Most people say, “I deliver a better quality  of service”. Or, “we really care about our customers”. Those are fine, but guess what? […]

How to Stay Productive

Between constant meetings, phone calls and emails, staying productive at work can be a challenge. However, the odds of staying productive can be greatly improved by taking some simple steps to lighten your workload.

The Proper Way To Answer Phones

This is a post we did years ago here on Central Comm, but it’s still relevant today, perhaps more so in the current age of rude rules. See if you agree Written by Randall Olson Every time that your business telephone rings, there is an opportunity to build or damage a customer relationship. When an […]

How Does an Answering Service Work?

It’s time. You need help. In fact, you have needed help for a while. You are thinking about hiring an answering service and you have heard that Central Comm is one of the best from several referral sources. But you are embarrassed to admit that you have NO idea how it all works. Don’t be […]

How to be More Efficient With Your Time

We all get 24 hours in a day, yet some of us get way more done in a day than others. How is that possible? I wanted to know. So, I Googled “how to be more efficient with my time”, and one of the results was this. Entrepenuer.com featured a post with 10 strategies for […]

Does Your Business Need Central Comm?

I was at an informal networking group the other day and I heard something interesting. A local plumber was bemoaning the fact he may be losing business because he has so much work that it’s hard to keep up with the phone calls. He wasn’t in the group I was sitting with, so I waited […]

The Importance of Punctuality

Whether you work for a company, like Central Comm, or you are your own boss, it’s important you be on time for your appointments and commitments. To most people, habitual lateness is a sign of disrespect. It can get you in hot water, make people frustrated with you, and ultimately it can get you fired!

Virtual Receptionist Central Comm

Someone asked me the other day, “What is a Virtual Receptionist?”. How in the world can a receptionist be virtual? Either you have a receptionist of you don’t, right? Well, it’s not really that black and white. If you are thinking of a receptionist as that person sitting in your front lobby and directing people […]

Answer Your Phone !!!

Ever had one of those days when you just REALLY needed to talk to someone. Person to person. Not via email, text or voice mail. When I am having one of those mornings, after the second or third attempt you can find me shouting into the phone “Answer your darned phone !!” I needed something clarified […]

Why Customer Service Is Important

There is a saying which goes something like this “People won’t always remember what you did for them, but what they will remember is how your made them feel.” As a company, your product lines may be top drawer, your knowledge may be exceptional, but if your customers don’t feel valued, what then? There are […]