Who Is Answering Your Phones?

Small company, medium sized company or large company, the size doesn’t matter. What matters is that your phones are ringing and the person or persons fielding the calls is making a great first impression. If this company is your “baby” and you’re are still trying to wear all the hats, salesperson, webmaster, accountant, receptionist and marketer […]

Why Some Industries Come Back

During the latter part of the last Century and the first part of the current century, much of the answering service business was relocated to other countries. At first, it was mainly for economic reasons. But then as that became less so, I think some companies began to understand that there is value in having […]

Virtual Receptionists For a Growing Company

  So, you are running a  business. It started out small, and now it’s getting bigger.  If you are like the other small business owners you feel that there just are not enough hours in the day. Between managing your business, managing employees, answering the phone, and actually doing your job, the time runs out […]

Entering the “Virtual World”

  Central Communications offers a Virtual Receptionist Service for companies. It’s more than simply answering phones, it is literally able to take the place of the person who sat at the desk in your front lobby. Depending upon the information you supply us with, and the types of questions you are prepared to have us […]

Phone Personalities

At Central Communications, our people are phone people. You can’t do this type of job and not be someone who likes to talk on the phone. We handle Answering Service calls, Virtual Receptionist duties, Seminar Registration and Follow up, Dispatch Services, E-Commerce Support for internet companies and Medical Serivce Companies, Attorneys Offices and Doctors Offices. […]

Things You Can Do To Be More Effective In Your Business

This is the year. The year where you are going to get things running smoothly and efficiently. You are going to find ways to be more effective in your business. As they say, you are determined to work more  on your business than IN your business. One of the first things you can do is […]

Changes for the New Year!!

Business Tips for 2017 We have written about steps you can take at the end of the year to prepare for the New Year. Now the New Year is here and did you do any of those things we recommended? No? A few? Okay, well let’s not look back, there is nothing we can do about […]

Goals For Success in 2017

  At the end of each year each of us takes a tally of our lives.. Sometimes we think  about our personal goals, other times it may be about our professional goals. For those of us who run a business, it’s often times about both. When you run a business the personal life often gets […]

The Benefits of a Virtual Receptionist

You have a business that is finally beginning to catch on. More help would be great, but how do you keep up with everything you already have going on and spend the time to hire just the right person to represent your company? Most  businesses start small.

Answer the Phone

You have an awesome website. Your sales people are running on all cylinders. Your referral group is referring. Your phone is ringing. And ringing. And ringing. And nobody is answering. In business, first impressions count. A telephone answering service makes it easy for customers to contact your business, and this can mean the difference between […]