After Hours Answering Service
Goal setting is something we all at least think about in the beginning of a new year. Everyone is filled with the best intentions to make our personal and professional lives better on some level.
Goal setting is something we all at least think about in the beginning of a new year. Everyone is filled with the best intentions to make our personal and professional lives better on some level.
When running a business from home there can be some unique challenges. On common complaint is because you work out of your home, there are friends and relatives who still don’t understand that you do actually have a real job. They figure if you are home, even if you are in an office in […]
Almost all small businesses begin as solopreneurs. Someone decides they can offer a better product or service or they get tired of the corporate grind. It doesn’t matter why, let it suffice to say that most businesses start small.
If you believe the song, then this is truly the most wonderful time of the year. But for many of us, it can be the most stressful time of the year. Buying presents, decorating houses, running businesses and scheduling out of town guests. All lovely things to do, but piled one on top of […]
Customer service is the backbone of any business. But what is really coming to the forefront of customer support is live chat with trained agents.
It’s that most wonderful time of the year. Once again. How did the Holidays come ’round again so soon? It baffles the mind. No matter whether it has come too quickly or not, it’s here and we have to do our best to get through the Holidays with as little stress as possible.
Small business often feel like they are in a proverbial Catch-22. They don’t have quite enough call volume to justify hiring a virtual receptionist but they have too much to keep up with the hourly interruptions of incoming calls. A medium sized business is growing, they have a receptionist on staff who is capable, […]
Guess how most people find you these days? Do you give up? It used to be they let their fingers do the walking and they found you in the phone book. But virtually no one under the age of 70 uses as phone book any more. They use their smart phone or their tablet to […]
How do you know if Central Comm is the right Virtual Receptionist/Answering Service for you? Well, you can start by doing a little legwork, and I don’t just mean checking a Yelp or Google Review. One disgruntled customer can work to skew results, and conversely, an overly enthusiastic one can also make things look […]
Actually, at Cental Comm we answer phones for businesses located all over the country, but we started in California. Overflow calls, night call service, taking reservations is where it all began. Central Communications fills various types of roles as we answer business calls for customers. At times we function as their receptionist, other times we answer phones […]