Collaboration When Distance Is an Issue

    Today, with the Cloud and the myriad of collaborative software programs, the issue of dealing with team projects involving people all over the country, or perhaps all over the world, is much easier to deal with. We have clients at Central Comm who have offices all over and they provide us with the […]

Friday the 13th!

I think some of the younger people I know, including my children, are far less superstitious than people in their 50’s and 60’s. Why is that? It’s my opinion that those of us who are a tad older grew up around all these crazy superstitions. Drop a fork and it means company is coming, if […]

The Importance Of Laughter In the Workplace

Today, more than ever, it seems like bad news is literally everywhere. People are killing each other, it seems like there’s a new war breaking out every month, everyone’s mad at everyone. The world is tough right now. The best cure for all of this awfulness is a little Laughter.

Managing Stress At Work

No matter how much we love our jobs, there are bound to be those days where it seems like nothing goes quite right. Even if our own day is going well, everything is on track, tasks are getting completed, everyone on our team is in synch, there can be that one customer who is NOT […]

Finding Job Candidates Via Social Media?

The job market is going strong these days, which makes it easier for those who have been displaced for a long time to find work, and perhaps find better opportunities than were available just a year or two ago. But it also make the competition for good workers more difficult to contend with. So, what […]

Answer Your Phone !!!

Ever had one of those days when you just REALLY needed to talk to someone. Person to person. Not via email, text or voice mail. When I am having one of those mornings, after the second or third attempt you can find me shouting into the phone “Answer your darned phone !!” I needed something clarified […]

Why Customer Service Is Important

There is a saying which goes something like this “People won’t always remember what you did for them, but what they will remember is how your made them feel.” As a company, your product lines may be top drawer, your knowledge may be exceptional, but if your customers don’t feel valued, what then? There are […]

Social Media for Your Company

Social Media is a necessity these days. If people can’t find your company, even if they have a referral for your services, you probably won’t get their business. People want to be able to check out your business and see reviews of your services. But don’t misunderstand a presence on social media is not simply […]

Long Beach California Answering Service

Central Communications Answering Service loves working with companies in Long Beach, California. Here is why. Long Beach, California is the gateway to Southern California, for most products consumed.  Long Beach has a highly diversified economy and is positioned well for employment growth, assuming the international and national economies continue to grow,” said Heather Stephens, director […]

Time for a New Plan

  As we grow our business, the tendency is to keep doing what we have done to get our business to where it is today. But is that wise? There are services a business can use to help offload some of the more time consuming tasks and to leave you time to work on the […]