Central Communications Answering Services Can Save You Money

My Website people tell me that it is very important for people to be able to find your contact information easily on the site. I told them, but we have a website, it has information, it has our email. They said, John, people still like to call and speak to a live operator. As someone […]

How to Get Your Messages

If you have never used an answering service or virtual receptionist before you might be saying to yourself, “How does this work?” It is pretty straight forward. We get your information, set up a series of questions and answers and the we find out from you how you would like us to handle your calls […]

Marketing and Physicians

  If you have a medical practice, are you marketing it? Does everyone who may need a doctor know about you and the excellent services you provide? Do they know how much you care about your patients? 

Good Cities to Live and Work In

I just read a post about the Top 10 Cities for First-Time Home Buyers on Realtor.com.  The article is geared towards first time home buyers between the ages of 25 to 34 years. Some of the factors they took into account were  how affordable the homes are in each of the Top 10 Cities. They […]

Does Customer Service Matter at a Dr.’s Office?

When you don’t feel well, you are probably grumpy, frightened, weak and out of sorts. What will happen when you call the Dr.’s office? If the person answering the phone is rushed, impersonal and impatient, is that going to make you feel good?

Staying Positive

Inspiration: If you have ever spent an entire day answering phones, whether it be as a virtual receptionist, an answering service, a dispatch service, it can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be taxing at times.

Central Comm- Award Winning

    Each year we put ourselves to a test. We belong to ATSI, which is an organization dedicated to call center and answering services.  ATSI membership has many benefits to the owners of Call Centers, Answering Services, Virtual receptionist companies. They are a support for all of us who answer phones, they also have guidelines […]

Medical Answering Service

Medical and Legal Profession. Back in those days we were primarily message takers for over worked physicians and attorneys. Today, we provide live, 24/7 answering services to all facets of the medical profession, nationwide.

Answering Phones

In every business, it pays to go back to the basics every so often. Sometimes, in the process of growing our various enterprises, we begin to forget to do the little things that made us successful in the first place. In a retail establishment, it may mean going through your inventory to see what’s selling […]

Is Branding Important for Your Company?

When your business is a success, our business is a success. Each week we offer advice for businesses of all sizes. Today we are going to share some basic marketing information. This is an informative post by Jayson Demers from Entrepeneur Magazine.. 1. Ignoring the brand Trying to market your business without a brand is […]