Smart Phone App for Time Sheets

Central Communications acts as a dispatch service, an answering service, a virtual receptionist and handles all kinds of inbound call issues. Because of our services, and the fact that we can set you up with your very own 800 number, it can look like you are anywhere, or everywhere, in the country. You are no […]

Staying Positive

Inspiration: If you have ever spent an entire day answering phones, whether it be as a virtual receptionist, an answering service, a dispatch service, it can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be taxing at times.

A Great Post on Telecommuting

Telecommuting has been an option for employees in California for years now. The traffic and home prices have made it so that commuting to work is a process that takes multiple hours out of our day. These days it seems like the option of telecommuting is becoming more mainstream. It’s no longer simply a choice for […]

Deciding When to Take a Call

Do you have customers who are lovely people, but once they get you on the phone you can’t get them off? On a very busy day that situation could cause  a big disruption for you. We aren’t saying you shouldn’t answer the phone or return their call, that would be a poor business practice indeed. […]

Tips for Starting Your New Company

Central Communications is excited to see an upsurge of companies hiring, and of Entrepreneurs opening new businesses. We have two locations, one in the inland Empire of California, and another located just outside Las Vegas, Nevada. Both of these locations service companies all across the United States of America. Our operators get the privilege of taking calls for […]

Do You Make a Great First Impression?

  Ten years ago, companies were bigger, they had more employees.  They employed receptionists, secretaries, and admin assistants help field the phone calls.

Skills of Great Leaders

    Forbes magazine recently published a post listing the 10 skills of great leaders. I think most of these skills are applicable to all of us, not just those of us who are considered as leaders. My favorites of the ten are: “Lift up your co-workers. Be the person who inspires those around you […]

Well Trained Operators

I saw this quote today as I was looking for inspiration for our blog posts. “I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do. –Leonardo da Vinci” It got me to thinking about the people who work here at Central Comm. […]

Problem Solving

One of the reasons that Central Communications is so good at what we do is our ability to solve problems. That is one thing that does not come as a required or even elective course in most high schools or colleges, yet it is an essential part of our ability to succeed in life. There […]

You Need Someone To Answer Your Phone !

You started your business on a shoestring. For the first few years you played all the major roles. You were the company’s top salesperson, lead technician, the supervisor and secretary too. Wearing all the hats, doing the best you could and committing fully to your vision. As the company began to make money you were […]