Problem Solving

One of the reasons that Central Communications is so good at what we do is our ability to solve problems. That is one thing that does not come as a required or even elective course in most high schools or colleges, yet it is an essential part of our ability to succeed in life.

A Quality Website for Your Business

Ten years ago most of thought of a Website a a static place holder on the Web. A rack card in the midst of a million other rack cards, just sitting there, not doing much. Fast forward to today. Websites are wehre potential clients go to check and see if you are legitimate. If your […]

How To Build a Strong Team

They say it takes a village to raise a child. In most cases, it take a team to build a strong company, just as it takes a village to raise a child. Solo entreprenuerships are more rare than we think. To really build a company which will thrive and grow, we need people.

What Do YOU Do Better Than Your Competitor?

What is it that makes your company different from the rest of the companies in your field? What DO you do better than the others? What differentiates you? Those are tough questions. Most people say, “I deliver a better quality  of service”. Or, “we really care about our customers”. Those are fine, but guess what? […]

The Importance of Punctuality

Whether you work for a company, like Central Comm, or you are your own boss, it’s important you be on time for your appointments and commitments. To most people, habitual lateness is a sign of disrespect. It can get you in hot water, make people frustrated with you, and ultimately it can get you fired!

Answer Your Phone !!!

Ever had one of those days when you just REALLY needed to talk to someone. Person to person. Not via email, text or voice mail. When I am having one of those mornings, after the second or third attempt you can find me shouting into the phone “Answer your darned phone !!” I needed something clarified […]

Answering the Call

Who’s answering the calls coming into your business? Are you trying to do it all yourself? Is there one receptionist for 100’s of inbound calls? There might be a better way to keep up with your business calls, and I think Central Comm could be your answer.

Time for a New Plan

  As we grow our business, the tendency is to keep doing what we have done to get our business to where it is today. But is that wise? There are services a business can use to help offload some of the more time consuming tasks and to leave you time to work on the […]

Just HOW Should You Answer the Phone?

  This is an old post from years ago, but I think it’s still applicable today. Perhaps even more so as many of us have turned to texting versus talking. Give a read, let us know what you think by Randall Olson Every time that your business telephone rings, there is an opportunity to build or damage […]

Ways to Improve Our Productivity

    There have been new studies coming out that show how most people have only a few hours of peak productivity in them each day. For some it’s the morning hours, for others it could be the afternoon, and then there are the night owls. Unfortunately, here in the United States our work hours […]