Wedding Photographers and Central Comm
Wedding photography season is in high gear as spring and summer wedding mania sets in and brides are stressing about every single detail but are you there for them?
Wedding photography season is in high gear as spring and summer wedding mania sets in and brides are stressing about every single detail but are you there for them?
When folks find out I work for Central Comm, the first thing out of their mouths is, “Why would my business need an answering service?” They say it more out of curiosity than anything else, but it still challenges me. I take a deep breath and try to answer in an informative and polite manner. […]
Long before I started Central Comm, I got some simple, yet profound advice from a mentor. He said “If you want to build a business, then find a need and fill it. If you aren’t inspired to fill a need, then create a product, and let people know they need it.”
It’s everywhere. You can’t escape it. Social Media is pervasive. What was once the virtual playground for college kids is now mainstream. Your business colleagues, even your teenager, have told you that you need to take your business onto social media but you already don’t have enough hours in the day.
Restaurants are in the business of serving sit-down, carry-out, or delivery meals to patrons not necessarily to answer phones.
Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials and now Gen Y. All competing in the job market, potentially working together and coping with very different styles and work ethics. Too much is made of the differences between the three generations, and not enough credit is given to either the Gen X’ers or the Millennials. In every […]
Goal setting is something we all at least think about in the beginning of a new year. Everyone is filled with the best intentions to make our personal and professional lives better on some level.
Small business often feel like they are in a proverbial Catch-22. They don’t have quite enough call volume to justify hiring a virtual receptionist but they have too much to keep up with the hourly interruptions of incoming calls. A medium sized business is growing, they have a receptionist on staff who is capable, […]
How do you know if Central Comm is the right Virtual Receptionist/Answering Service for you? Well, you can start by doing a little legwork, and I don’t just mean checking a Yelp or Google Review. One disgruntled customer can work to skew results, and conversely, an overly enthusiastic one can also make things look […]
Why use Central Comm to answer your phones? Let’s say you run a very effective markeing campaign, your new sales people are on fire and the phones are ringing. These incoming calls are the lifeblood of your business. What’s the point in spending money on marketing or any other aspect of your business if you’re […]