A Quote: Andrew Carnegie

“And while the law of competition may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department. “ Andrew Carnegie Read more: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_business.html#ixzz1dwVwjgcc

It’s Time For Us to “Like” You on Facebook

It is time for your practice or small business to embrace social media marketing.  Don’t take our word for it. “‘This was the year when companies large and small began to realize the importance of social media, and there has been lots of investment in social media,’ said Augie Ray, a former Forrester Research analyst […]

Self employment in the United States

In the United States of America it has always been thought self employment was a gift of a free enterprise economy. In fact, a good portion of the firms we take phone calls and orders for are small to medium-sized companies. The current statistics show that  8.2 percent of america’s work force is self-employed. Some attribute […]

What Exactly is an Answering Service?

Telephone services mean increased sales and effective communications. Unfortunately, some companies can’t run 24/7, but that’s where an answering service comes in. Think of them as a sales representative that never sleeps. Years ago, the main function  of an answering service  was simply to take calls when regular operators were off duty, and there was an overload of […]

Elderly answering service?

At Central Communications we regularly get requests to perform duties which most people would not associate with an answering service or call center. Like giving, not taking, phone calls for your family members. Do you have relatives with fading memory? Are you worried that they might forget to take their medicine or miss a doctors […]

Testimonies – Central Communications

A business is not a business for long without satisfied customers. We work hard to make sure that Central Communications and South Coast Answering meet the needs of your business. Out on the web, the message of service and quality is put out on blogs and sites over and over again. Instead of our own […]

The latest advances in technology!

At Central Communications part of our mission is to stay abreast of the latest in technological advances in order for us to provide you with the best service. In looking around to study those advances in tech, I often come across some interesting articles  and while they aren’t just about tech things we can use […]

How to get to Disneyland!

Talk about thinking out of the box!  At Central Communications/South Coast Answering, we used to issue invoices and wait for checks to come back. Things have changed now, and there are many methods of payment our customers can use. Paying bills by using a credit cards has become one way that our customers choose to […]

Is Moving your Call Center Off Shore Cost Effective?

There are two ways to look at the cost of your support and marketing team.When trying to gauge the cost to income ratio, sometimes you have to account for factors other than your costs and perhaps look also to your sales figures. While saving money is most often a good call, when that savings severely impacts […]

Handling Businesses Phone Calls

Today there are so many options for handling in bound calls you just have to find the one that is right for your business. As I look out onto blogs written by other people about how one should handle business calls, there is a recurring theme I have noticed. Customers   don’t want to cal their […]