Why Attorneys Hire Central Comm

    Potential clients are most often referred to an attorney’s office by someone who has already used your services. If you are out of the office, or with another client, you may miss their call, and odds are they will move on to the next attorney they find on line.

Social Media for Your Company

Social Media is a necessity these days. If people can’t find your company, even if they have a referral for your services, you probably won’t get their business. People want to be able to check out your business and see reviews of your services. But don’t misunderstand a presence on social media is not simply […]

The Year of the Tradesmen and Women

The Holiday season is over. Our lives are returning to normal now that we have celebrated the end of the last year. Presents are put away, decorations are taken down, family has returned to their homes. For some it’s a relief, for other it leaves a hole that’s not easily filled. Either way, for most of […]

Award Winning Answering Service

Central Comm is an award-winning answering service, virtual receptionist, dispatch service company. For more years than we can count, we at Central Communications have strived to give our customers nothing short of the very best service that’s too be had. And, we have succeeded. When you are considering who you want to help your company […]

Using a Relocation Specialist

It is the end of one year and soon another will begin. This year  has gone by way too quickly for many of us. Between hurricanes, fires, floods and other disasters, it has also been a year fraught with bad news. In some ways I am glad to see this year go, and to feel hopeful […]

What Is The Price of an Unanswered Call?

What price do you pay when your phones go unanswered, or you are in a hurry to get the caller off the line because you are in a meeting? How valued does the caller feel? What’s the impact of losing a customer one call at a time?

Be Aware of Your Image

All too often I cringe when I see some of the posts out on social media. It’s not just young people, but people who are old enough to know better, who say things they shouldn’t on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. If you aren’t aware of this already, it’s important you understand that potential employers are […]

How You Treat Your Customers Matters

When you have been in business as long as Central Comm, you know for certain that it’s customer service that sets you apart from other businesses. In some instances, you are offering a product which is not truly unique, so what will differentiate you from your competition? It’s probably not price. In our case, we […]

Ways to Improve Our Productivity

    There have been new studies coming out that show how most people have only a few hours of peak productivity in them each day. For some it’s the morning hours, for others it could be the afternoon, and then there are the night owls. Unfortunately, here in the United States our work hours […]

Why Some Industries Come Back

During the latter part of the last Century and the first part of the current century, much of the answering service business was relocated to other countries. At first, it was mainly for economic reasons. But then as that became less so, I think some companies began to understand that there is value in having […]