Central Comm is an award-winning answering service, virtual receptionist, dispatch service company. For more years than we can count, we at Central Communications have strived to give our customers nothing short of the very best service that’s too be had. And, we have succeeded.
When you are considering who you want to help your company meet it’s new goals for the year 2018, we would hope you will take that into consideration. Central Comm would like to be a part of your company’s success.
Our company was established well over 50 years ago in Orange County, grew larger and we acquired another company in the inland empire of California and now we have another large branch operation just outside of Las Vegas Nevada. Central Comm takes calls for customers all over the US.
WE provide answering services for physicians, medical offices, attorneys, municipalities and dispatch services for service companies. Not only that, we support 800 numbers and e-commerce trade on the web and act as receptionist for all types of startup businesses, and even for some companies that are no longer startups.
So, as this year comes to a close, and you dig your way out of the wrapping paper and the trays of cookies, give us a call and let us be your first line item on the budget for 2018.
Happy New Year from all of us to all of you!!
Central Comm