Should You Take a Former Employee Back?

Your company is growing, perhaps you are expanding in a new direction, and you’ve let your staff know that you are looking for more people. A person applies for one of these new positions who has worked for you once before. Should you hire him/her back? That will depend on several factors.

Where’s My Service Person?

Central Communications is a live 24/7 answering service. We service the customers of customers in lots of different vocations, from Medical Facilities to Plumbers. It doesn’t matter what trades we are serving, every so often we are going to be taking calls from a person who is in a panic.

How to Get Your Messages

If you have never used an answering service or virtual receptionist before you might be saying to yourself, “How does this work?” It is pretty straight forward. We get your information, set up a series of questions and answers and the we find out from you how you would like us to handle your calls […]

Staying Positive

Inspiration: If you have ever spent an entire day answering phones, whether it be as a virtual receptionist, an answering service, a dispatch service, it can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be taxing at times.

Answering Service Success

At Central Comm, we take excellent service in stride. It’s simply what we expect from ourselves.

Central Comm Helps Get New Customers

  Do you know that Central Comm’s highly trained, personable and award winning operators can actually help you get new customers? We can! Another one of our long time clients called us the other day to say “Thank you“. Why? Because this customer, who runs a medical supply company, was one of three companies who […]

Answering Phones

In every business, it pays to go back to the basics every so often. Sometimes, in the process of growing our various enterprises, we begin to forget to do the little things that made us successful in the first place. In a retail establishment, it may mean going through your inventory to see what’s selling […]

Featured City Posts

This month as the year comes to a close, we are going to feature some of the cities we do business in. Cities like: Irvine Long Beach Los Angeles Las Vegas

Planning for Your Business

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…Although that song has been hijacked by those who sell back to school items for your children, it was first a Christmas song.  A song celebrating the gathering of friends and family, the ending of a year, and the anticipation of a new one.