Central Communications is a live 24/7 answering service. We service the customers of customers in lots of different vocations, from Medical Facilities to Plumbers. It doesn’t matter what trades we are serving, every so often we are going to be taking calls from a person who is in a panic.
While the majority of our calls are calm, every day calls, there are times when the calls we get are from people who are not in a happy mood.
We find that sometimes the people with the biggest problems are the most patient, and callers with a lesser problem can be absolutely frantic. This has led us to understand that it’s not the size of the problem that causes the panic, it is the disposition of the caller.
With callers who are in an absolute panic, our operators have found that it’s best to take a deep breath, try not to interrupt, and listen for what the actual problem is. Sometimes the caller is so upset it makes it difficult for someone to distinguish what the actual call is for. Once we get a clear handle on what the caller needs assistance with, then it is easier to provide them with a plan of action, and to get that plan put into place.
Central Comm has been answering phones for businesses for a long time now, there is not much that we haven’t seen or heard by now, and that experience helps to make us one of the best answering services out there today.
Central Comm answers!
Award winning service