Does Your Company Need A Call Center?

  Depending upon the type of business you are in, a call center could be just what you need to grow more in the coming year.  If you have multiple callers inquiring about products and services and your current in-house staff is struggling to keep up with your call volume, then a call center is […]

Holiday Help for Medical Offices

  We all live hectic lives and it’s hard to remember with everything else we have going on to make important doctor appointments and follow up appointments while working full-time and dealing with our families.  Giving customers a way to schedule an appointment 24/7 makes great business sense.

Business Advice for 2019

  Was this year one of your best ever? We had a great year here at Central Comm. With plenty of challenges and new requests. Sorting out which ones work for us and our customers was also an interesting project.

Photographers and Virtual Receptionists

I happen to know a few photographers and I admire how hard they work. Their work is priceless when it’s done well. Photographs evoke feelings, bring back memories and make our lives richer. If you’re a photographer, you probably already have enough on your plate working with reluctant children or wayward animals never mind that […]

Growing Your Business Next Year

Has 2018 been a good year for you and your business? Did you start a new business this year, or have you sold a business and are wondering what to do next?  At Central Comm, we have customers who run small shops and we have big municipalities and everything in between. We have grown quite […]

Why Do Just One Thing At A Time?

    There is a new things out there right now, it’s long tail name is do just one thing at a time, versus that old Multi tasking thing. Now, I have a confession to make. I don’t actually ever multi task. I am more of a sequential tasker, if you want to get literal […]

How Can A Virtual Receptionist Build Customer Relationships?

How can a virtual receptionist help to build customer relationships? Let’s discuss. We are all familiar with the old adage, work smarter not harder.  But how can you as a small business owner get everything done and have time for family and work?  We have an idea about that. How about using Virtual Employees. For example […]

Virtual Meetings, Can They Work?

    The idea of virtual meetings has been around for years and years. Today, however, with the advent of much better technology and faster telecommunications, they are better than they have ever been, and they keep us connected.

Voicemail, Good or Bad?

I remember a time when voice mail was all the rage. You never had to miss a call from a valued person, they could simply leave you a voice mail. At first it was kind of wonderful, because you could return people’s calls if you missed them. But then, it got bad.