For some of you who work for a company and long to be your own boss, we say, go for it. But first, take off your rose colored glasses. Being your own boss means you can make your own hours, a dream come true, right? Unfortunately, for most entrepeneurs that means working 6 or 7 days a week, for a minimum of 14 hours a day or more.
If your new company excites and energizes you, that can be quite a rush, however, a year or two into it and you may be tired, frazzled, and not just a little disillusioned. had some good advice for those of you who are contemplating a startup, or if you are actually running one and you are feeling a bit uneasy:
“2. Becoming successful will take longer than you think it should.
And I mean much longer. There’s no way of quickly becoming successful. Don’t trust anyone who says otherwise. Those who advertise how rapid their success has been are conveniently leaving out the years they spent hustling prior. Are you in this for the long haul? If not, you might as well get out now. This profession takes dedication.
I recently had the pleasure of listening to Bob Parsons, founder of GoDaddy, give a speech about his career as an entrepreneur. The advice he stressed above all else was, “Hang in there.” His point was that you have to stick with something long enough to catch a few lucky breaks and eventually become successful.
3. There’s more than one way to achieve success.
So learn as much as you can from others, especially those who are living the kind of life you want. Ask questions, the simple ones too. Draw your own conclusions from what you learn. When you create your own road map, be willing to change it. Flexibility will serve you well. Entrepreneurs are always in motion! We’re dynamic creatures. Evolve or die.
4. You must be willing to make sacrifices.
Time is one of them. It just is. So make sure you enjoy what you do. Don’t let your dedication destroy other parts of your life.
5. Treat everyone with respect.
We’re all interconnected. Industries are smaller than they seem. You’re going to meet the same people climbing up the ladder when you’re on your way down. ”
From someone who runs a company or two, this is very valuable advice. There have been times in this business, answering services, when things looked bleak. Many companies began moving their call centers overseas. But we hung in there, and found ways to be innovative, and to offer better value, and today we are thriving, and have just opened another call center just outside Las Vegas.
Read the advice, write it in marker on a piece of paper and tack it up in front of your desk and check it every day..good luck.
Central Comm