People always wring their hands, water conservation restrictions go into effect, and then at some point we have an el nino winter that causes floods and fills the water supply back up to a manageable level.
The Weather forecasts are anticipating just such a situation for the southern California area this coming year, but for now we are still in the midst of a serious drought.In the Orange County area, residents have been offered incentives to remove their lush, green lawns and install more drought tolerant landscapes.
In the San Diego Area, water usage is of concern as well. From the San Diego Union-Tribune:
“Q: With the call to use less water, how much water should we be using? Is there a target we should be shooting for?
Marcy B., San Diego
More Drought Fighter tips
A: State regulators have set urban potable water-use reduction targets between 8 and 36 percent for local water agencies across California. The target for the city of San Diego is 16 percent below 2013 levels. The targets for other local water agencies, along with a “find my district” tool and links to local water-use restrictions, are posted at, the regional drought response website.
While San Diego and other local water providers got off to a great start by meeting state requirements in June, history suggests we will face several more hot and dry months, which means we all need to continue to conserve.”
San Diego is a beautiful city. Let’s all hope that all of it’s citizens can find a way to keep water usage low, and the city beautiful.
Central Comm