How often have you called a company and been connected with an automated system? It can be time consuming and frustrating at a time when you need to know that your message is being conveyed and that it is regarded as important to someone.
With voicemail, you do not know who will call you back or when they will return your call. When you call a business and find a real person on the other end of the line immediately, it is reassuring to know that they care enough to have that person there ready to take your call. It reinforces feelings toward the company and the fact that they care about their clients or customers.
That is what Central Communications and South Coast Answering’s virtual receptionist do for you and your customers. They know when they call your number they will be talking to a real person at any time of the day rather than having to deal with either being cut off or having to be put through several steps with an automated system. To your clients and customers, having a real voice at the other end of their call makes all the difference.
What does our service do for you? Because it’s not just about your customers, it’s also about how you feel. We think it gives you peace of mind. Having a virtual receptionist enables your calls to be forwarded at any time you choose and affords you the ability to build on your clientele. They can also provide information to the callers so that they do not hang up knowing nothing with the thought that they must call back, perhaps more than once to receive any information as is common with a voicemail system.
Central Comm believes our Virtual Receptionist service is a win- win for you and your customers. Not only will your customers or prospective clients feel assurance, but it will ensure that you focus on other priorities to help build your business knowing that your calls are being taken care of and dealt with in a professional and friendly manner. Further, this will enable you to receive referrals to new business when your callers are satisfied and know they can always reach a real person when they call your business. It is a “billboard” that shines in the customer’s mind that your business cares and there is nothing more important. Central Communications can be a true “connection” for your business that allows it to grow beyond what you ever expected.