After years of a struggling economy and outsourcing, companies are feeling stronger now. In fact, many of the companies we have worked with for years now have a different struggle, one they like much better, and that is one of keeping up with the demand for their services.
What that means for them is their companies are growing, and when companies grow, new employees are added. That can be a double-edged sword. New employees can bring with them exciting new energy and fresh ideas. But at the same time, in the rush to bring personnel up to speed, the company’s core values can get overlooked. No matter how fast you grow and how large the organization gets, it’s always important that core values are carried along with the growth, or your company can lose it’s way.
They say that attitude comes from the top down, so before you attempt to impart your wisdom to the people who work for you, review your own performance and make certain you are not straying from those values. Are some of those things that seemed to work so well a few years ago still relevant to your company today? Is it time to rethink things?
These are all items that should come to mind as one year ends and another begins. Are the values being carried over to new employees? Are we all working towards the same goal? Do new people feel like they are able to contribute to the company or are they just being treated like worker bees?
Central Comm wants to wish you all the best this year, and we want to make you an offer. Should you find yourself with too much to do and not enough resources, give us a call. Let us work with you to try and take over some of those things that we can help with and free up your time to grown your company, train your staff and support your people.
Happy Holidays,