Have you ever wondered how our operators at Central Comm are able to handle calls so professionally. How we keep up with all our different customers’ needs? And how we keep adding features to keep us current.
Central Comm is constantly learning and working to find the best solutions to your call center needs. One of the ways we keep up so well is we use hardware and software vendors who, themselves are always looking for ways to make their services better.
Our software package is Startel. It is a state of the art software system which allows us great flexibility and because it is also cloud based, it can be accessed from anywhere.
Directly from their website:
“Businesses that require live answering expect to receive timely and accurate messages from their clients, and want easy access to their messages through a wide variety of devices, including smartphones, pagers and even Web portals. Telephone Answering Services (TAS) and Executive Suites depend on Startel’s solutions to offer live answering services that present an efficient, professional customer experience for their busy clients.
Along with police and fire departments, Telephone Answering Services are often the “last line of defense” during natural disasters and power outages, and are expected to be “always up” 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As a result, our TAS clients rely on Startel’s services and solutions to deliver:
- Greater Efficiency: Robust ACD call algorithms route calls based on skill and allow for queue priority and Multiple Forms and Message Slips customized by date and time make it easier for agents to handle calls efficiently and accurately.
- Peace of Mind: Startel’s programmable automated dispatch scripts ensure error-free dispatching and help ensure every call is addressed with the standards and culture your clients require.
100% Compliance: Startel’s Secure Messaging and Encrypted Email solutions are PCI DSS validated and HIPAA compliant, ensuring your TAS maintains compliance and protects sensitive consumer and patient information.
- Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: Redundant servers can be housed on-site or in a data center to provide resiliency and business continuity for your mission critical service.
- Powerful Analytics: Startel’s robust billing reports provide the statistics necessary to adjust staffing, monitor agent performance and bill accurately.
Startel offers both premise-based and cloud solutions, giving you the freedom to choose the deployment option that is right your business. Other key features used by our TAS clients to achieve their business goals include:
- Customized Scripts
- Dispatch Script & Services
- Skill-based Call Routing
- Credit Card Authorization
- Disaster Recovery & Redundancy
- Roles & Permissions
- Web Portal
- CTI Link “
source is : http://www.startel.com/industries/telephone-answering-service
Startel’s software, plus our great operators means the highest levels of customer service for you, and for YOUR customers. Year after year Central Comm wins awards for our excellence in customer service.
We thank our customers for giving us the opportunities which allow us to shine.
Central Comm