Beam yourself across the world in 2014
“The growth in video communication has been exponential. Skype now boasts 300 million users, and a 2012 Ipsos/Reuters poll revealed one in five people worldwide now frequently “telecommuted” to work. But Star Trek fans will be happy to hear that incoming technology will add a further dimension to international conference calls. Known as holographic tele-presence, it involves transmitting a three-dimensional moving image of you at each destination – allowing you to converse as if you were in the room. But full 3D holographic communication is not far behind – in the shape of the Polish company Leia. Named after the Star Wars princess, its Leia Display XL uses laser projectors to beam images onto a cloud of water vapor. The result is a walk-in holographic room, in which 3D objects can be viewed and manipulated from every angle. An IBM survey of 3,000 researchers recently named holographic video calls as one technology they expected to see in place in the next year or so.”
This is one of the coolest updates to our world that Central Comm has seen so far. Sometime in the next few years, we will see holographic telecommunication come to life, opening up a doorway in communication that was only considered to most as a sci-fi pipe-dream for the last several decades. Holograms have been a must of that encompassing vision of a high tech 21st century and is a crucial stepping stone on the path to reaching the singularity: a point in time where humans will produce revolutionary ideas and breakthroughs one on top of another in no time at all. It makes you wonder, what’s next? We already have the beginning models of androids, prototypes of jet-packs, three dimensional printers that produce real life objects and now the idea of holographic.
This information is brought to you by Central Communications Answering Service. Central Communications is advancing the envelope in the technology behind the concept of the virtual receptionist for business.