A business person is looking for the type of services you offer. This person heads over to Google and search for the keywords she likes and voila, your site comes up. She is pleased with the look and feel of your sight, the services you are offering are just what she was looking for, so she picks up the phone and calls…but no one answers. So she calls again a little later, and she gets a message saying this voicemail box is full. And she moves on.
In business, first impressions count. If an actual person, a receptionist or operator, had answered the phone and directed the call to a sales person perhaps you would have a new customer. An answering service makes it easy for customers to contact your business, and this can mean the difference between capturing new clients and losing them to one of your competitors. Crucially, it also allows you to concentrate on other aspects of your business whilst ensuring that no potential customers are neglected.
Inbound and return sales calls are the lifeblood of most businesses. After all, the point in spending money on marketing and adverting, be it print or online, is to generate leads that will turn into customers.
Everyone who runs a business wants to keep good customers coming back, and to get great new customers to keep their company growing. It’s also nice if you can perhaps save a little time and money by hiring Central Comm to be your virtual receptionist, and perhaps even your E-commerce support.
Central Comm