Eight years ago, we were fighting an uphill battle in the phone answering industry. Companies big and small had jumped on the outsource band wagon and moved their answering service to all of those offshore companies. It was supposed to save them money. And initially that was true. But it lost them customers.
When customers, or potential customers call your 800 number, they are looking for one of three things. They either want to know about your services, they want to get something fixed or they are mad. Now, there are subsets of each of these categories. Life is never that simple, But those are the major ones.
In each of those instances they don’t want voicemail, they don’t want to be transferred 5 times and then disconnected. They want to speak with someone. And hopefully it will be someone who can give them what they called for. Help, information or satisfaction.
What happens when customers call your 800 number? Do they get put through to a voice mail message which says ” We value your call. Please pay attention as our options have changed, If you know the party’s extension…” or do they get, ” Good morning, this is Cindy with ABC business services, how may I help you today?”
Hopefully, when Cindy answers she can actually help. If this is your company, which option do you think is most likely to make your customers happy? I am pretty certain they will like the good morning option. Unless it’s afternoon or evening, we can change that up appropriately.
Today, because of the excellence our people provide, we are not only busier than ever, we have added services like E-commerce upport, and dispatch and virtual receptionist and seminar reservations and so much more.
Why is that? Because the bottom line isn’t the only thing that matters in business. Customer service matters. Time and time again people will try the cheaper options, but come back to the options which provide them with good customer service.
Central Comm
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