First your website designer tells you that it’s important to get your site upgraded so that it’s mobile compatible. Why? Well because 65% or more of the people looking for you or your services are searching on a mobile device. Be it a Tablet, a Reader or a Smart Phone.
Next it’s us telling you to get OUT OF THE OFFICE!! If you have a tablet, a laptop or a smart phone, don’t sit in your office waiting for the phone to ring. Call us, set up your service, grab your computing devices and your mobile hot spot and GET OUT!!
We will answer your calls, none of your clients even need to know you are not in the office. We can set office appointments for you and notify you. Central Comm. can answer the everyday normal questions, and we do it in a warm, friendly yet professional manner.
At Central Communications we offer our services to Attorneys, Physicians, and Internet Based companies, call centers, order processing companies and we even become a dispatch center for larger tech and service based companies. We were Virtual Receptionists before anyone else ever heard that term!
Just last week one of our customers told us this:
“Normally, when my children are out of school for summer vacation, I take two weeks off for family vacation and spend the rest of the time in my office, taking appointments. But in the dog days of summer the calls are fewer, the days can drag on, and I feel bad that I don’t spend more time with my kids. So I made a change. I know from experience that my Fridays are almost always slow this time of year. Instead of running to the office, I set up my laptop at home, check my email, my messages and if it’s something I can handle remotely, I get it done there. Then I turn my phones over to you, keep my cell with me, and I do something with my kids for a few hours. “ Bill F.
If work is still keeping you from spending free time with your family, give us a call, we can help you to put a little more fun in your summer!!
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