Another School Year Begins

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It’s that time of year once again, depending upon where you live. Some school districts go back to school in August, others, early in September. Either way, it’s all downhill from here. Or Uphill, depending upon your outlook.

I have friends who live for the heat of summer and the lazy summer days with children out of school. I have others who really don’t care for the heat of summer, their children are long gone and they are excited for the beginning of fall and the cooler weather.

I also have friends who have alreay started a coundown to Thanksgiving. Now, I will admit, I do like summer, but about now I start to feel the need for some cooler weather. Am I counting the days to Thanksgiving, absoutely NOT. The years have begun to rush by too fast already and I am not going to do anything that would make them go by any faster.

What I want you to think about today is this. Another year has gone by, you had plans you haven’t yet been able to fully implement, and you only have a few more months. What is a person to do? Perhaps, during the last dog days of summer, while things are moving at a slower pace, this is the time to get some things put in place.

The Holidays are coming,  and for many businesses, there are always end of the year upticks in orders. Before things get too crazy, take the time to hire us as you virtual receptionist,  or to take overflow calls, and perhaps even help with your e-commerce orders. This is the time to get things set up and together we can work out any issues well before your busy season.

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