You have a great idea for a product or service. People like that idea and they buy your product or service. Your company is growing, and it’s at the point where trying to manage it yourself is no longer working. What do you do? Sometimes you hire staff to help you run the company, but for some people, their strengths are not in running a large company, rather they are in being creative and coming up with new ideas. In a situation like that it might be better to hire someone who is proficient at running a large organization, and keep doing what you do best. Creating.
John Rampton in an article for Inc. Magazine had some good tips for business owners on how to handle things as your company grows:
“3. Grow As A Leader
Once you harness your fears and make the leap to starting a business, you’ve already begun the journey of becoming a leader. As we’ll discuss shortly, your ultimate success will have a lot to do with how you help others find their own. Many of us hold successful entrepreneurs on a pedestal much like football fans hold a star quarterback or wide receiver in high regard. However, there’s always a team that these individuals lead that ultimately leads to their success. You must learn how to be a leader on some kind of level in order to motivate others to join you in your venture, believe in what you preach, or give you money for a product or service that you offer.
Just because you need to possess leadership qualities does not mean that everybody successful in business has to be the CEO, face of the company, or person “in charge”. When Google started to really grow, the company’s founders brought in a successful CEO in Eric Schmidt to come in and run their company – they were engineers, not CEOs. The ability to lead a team or lead the masses can sometimes come down to just having the right charisma and message to get the right people to do the things that need to be done in order for the entire thing to just work. A great soldier may be good at leading troops on the field, but not managing the entire war. An amazing product designer may also be a lousy salesperson. But a great leader will discover what they do best and where their weakness lies, and know who to put where in order to ensure that their company is one that achieves real success….
- Acquire Partners
We talked earlier about how becoming a leader is one of the most important qualities one needs to “move the chains” in the game of business. In order to achieve greatness as a leader, one must then have a team of individuals who believe in the mission in order to move forward. That’s where assembling a great team of partners plays such an important role in any profitable business. Many start out alone and the wearer of many hats, but a business can only scale so far if there is only one source of energy, of inspiration, and of the actual sweat equity it takes to keep the lights on.
As we will see in understanding the meaning of success both in business and in life, a true “business owner” is one who does not need to be a part of the day-to-day operations in order for the business to run and stay profitable. The classic book “The E-Myth” is a great story of how many try (and fail) at running a business all by themselves. Instead, you need to take those leadership skills and motivate others to take their own specific skillsets and apply them together as a team for the greater good of the company. This doesn’t just include employees, but also includes knowing who to shake hands with, how to create strategic partnerships, and how to use that leverage we previously discussed to convince others to have an interest in your venture. And once you reach a certain level of success, it will be an even greater feeling when you get to share it with all who helped make it possible.”
There are so many great resources available today for all of us business owners to learn from and tap into. from YouTube videos to Ted Talks, to googling the words how to grow your business. One of the ways we help businesses to grow is helping them with things like Virtual Receptionist Services, Dispatch Services, Call overflow at busy times of the day and evening, Dispatch Services, and E-Commerce Support.
So, don’t be afraid, grow your business, hire people to help.
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